About us

Branddex is a middle-sized enterprise that has specialized in production of fire-resistant products for the application in buildings. It was found in Germany and was relocated in Poland 1994. Its customers includes respected and successful companies from whole Europe. Branddex’ products are produced on state-of-the-art production lines that guarantee a high and consistent quality of the product.

Branddex always places quality first. Therefore Branddex has a comprehensive quality management that is ISO 9001 – certificated. Internal and external controls of the production process and the products themselves occur regularly. The internal controls are executed by the department of quality. The external controls are accomplished by  German testing laboratories that are accredited by the German institute of  building technology (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik, DIBt). Additionally Branddex has a certificate from the licensing office for ships (Polski Rejestr statków, PRS) and a certificate from the Polish institute for health (Państwowy Zakłąd Higieny, PRS).