Our products

Branddex is a manufacturer and developer of mineral and non-flammable fire protection materials. Our product range includes fire protection boards and strips, intumescent fire protection boards and strips, as well as fire-resistant glue. The production and composition of these fire-retardant materials is unique on the market and incomparable to the commonly available commercial mineral boards like gypsum plasterboards. The products were developed to ensure possibly high passive fire protection for construction elements.
In many cases, increasing thermal insulation does not lead to a high fire-resistance class for a construction element. Branddex products, apart from very good thermal insulation, have excellent cooling features. Only the combination of both makes it possible to reach a high fire-resistance class for an intended construction element. Moreover, the thickness of an already fire-resistance rated construction element can be reduced when upgraded with Branddex materials without losing its fire-resistance class.